Tuesday, February 24, 2015


When I first began painting, it seemed all I wanted to do was Italian street scenes.  Perhaps it is the romance of it that appeals, the color, the character, the narrow streets, the flower boxes.  I painted several totally from my imagination. "A Quiet Corner" evolved from another painting much like it.  The first one sold fairly quickly.  A benefit for the American Cancer Society was coming up in our neighborhood with a silent auction, so I repeated this painting and donated it.  I was happy it sold and supported a wonderful cause.  I was even happier when I learned the same friend who had bought the first one bought this one to go with its mate. And, then really pleased when my neighbor loved it, so I painted another one for Jackie.

We live is such a busy, busy world, and we are bombarded with pressures.. financial, security, children with problems, aging loved ones, and on and on.  But there is Hope.  There is a quiet place in the presence of our Creator and Savior where we can find peace.  I hope you find your quiet place today.

                                                                          A Quiet Corner

"For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said......'in quietness and trust is your strength.'"
  Isaiah 30:15


  1. Marlene, girl this is awesome!!! I can just feel your heart in your writing. So glad you started this blog.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement, Lea!

    1. Thank you, Jackie. You've also been an encourager to me on this. I'm excited to read your story!

    2. Thanks, Marlene. Blogs are fun. Our own personal place to express ourselves, and share with others. Good luck with this one.

